Sunday, June 17, 2007

That elusive balance

I haven't really said much recently here mainly because, quite frankly, I've been spending 10-12 hours a day at a computer at work for the past two weeks, and the last thing I feel like doing when I get home is typing more. I even missed having a day off for Queens Birthday weekend.

So, in the grand scheme of work-life balance, the work end of the scales is tipping a little bit too far over.

Don't get me wrong - I'm being extraordinarily productive, and much of this long-hours syndrome is by choice (although, if I didn't stay back to get stuff done, then it wouldn't really get done in time at all by anyone else, so "choice" is perhaps false advertising). At least, I don't have anyone standing over my desk telling me that I "have to stay back". If that happened, I think I would want to hit them in the face.

Should only be for a few more weeks though, and then hopefully those scales start balancing out properly. Now, if only all the effort got rewarded in an appropriate way, then I might be happy with work...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's the Queen's birthday holiday here today so take it off in lieu of missing last week. If anyone questions this, tell them that it's a global workplace nowadays so you're compelled to properly observe public holidays wherever they may occur. Alternatively, you could just employ your strategy of hitting them in the face...