Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hospitals have the best drugs...

I made it out of surgery. In fact, I feel pretty awesome as I write this. I would not believe that I'd had invasive surgery today, especially considering how freaked I was about getting a general anaesthetic, and how concerned I was about the potential pain post-operation. Neither concern eventuated.

It might be due to the expertise of the surgeon. Or perhaps it is the healing powers of my body.

Or maybe, just maybe, it is, in some small part, due to the addition of medicinal cocaine as part of my drug cocktail during my surgery...

Yep, cocaine helps my world go round.

PS. Don't use drugs, kids.


'Door said...

Are you organising something during your recovery?

If it's the week after next I can make it.

A-Man said...

J-star has been talking about arranging a trivia night thing, with the assorted dvd-based trivia games we won at her work trivia night.
Not sure when it will be. Week after next... does that mean the weekend of 28th/29th October is out?

'Door said...

That weekend is fine. I'm just on camp till friday the 28th and I'm going to a 20th year reunion that night.