Saturday, June 17, 2006

Trying To Socialise

It just occured to me that perhaps writing these blog entries are my way of socialising given that I can't actually get up and out into the big bad world. Kinda sad really. In a slightly pathetic way more than a sympathetic way.

It's been difficult. (Don't worry, I won't always write about the ankle... it'll heal eventually!). I've missed social events I really wanted to go to, and have had to tone down other outings with friends right back down to take-away meals at home on the couch.

So to everyone... thanks for coming around, cooking, bringing food, bringing company, chatting with me, checking up on me, driving me around, and generally looking after me. And to those folk who invited me out but I couldn't make drinks, birthdays or other gatherings, my apologies. I'll be there next time.

I tell you... once I'm upwardly mobile again (and fully recovered), some dancefloor, somewhere, is going to get seriously burned up.

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