Tuesday, February 13, 2007


This may not surprise those who know me, but I tend to exhibit some significant obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) tendencies in my day-to-day life... I repeatedly check that I have locked the door to the apartment or my car, turned off an electrical device, or line up the mail/TV remote/drink coasters etc. parallel/perpendicular with the edges of coffee table; these are just some examples.

Unfortunately, aspects of this behaviour have recently crept into my time while at work, fueled in part by the fact that my days are extraordinarily boring at the moment. I continually visit and re-visit websites, waiting for new news, stories, reviews, entries, comments, images, whatever might sate my thirst for something to keep my mind occupied for another few minutes. The ludicrous thing is that I'll be disappointed if there isn't anything new, despite the fact I checked the same site 15 minutes ago. My attention span is too quick for the world to keep up.

I think I need to divert my mind to other tasks while at work, that aren't repetitious interweb surfing otherwise I might just fall into a catatonic state of laptop screen staring and mouse-clicking. (And please don't suggest that I actually do work, that's just crazy talk - I'm talking about the other 35 hours a week that I'm not being productive). What can I do, especially within the confines of the office environment?

And why CDO, not OCD? Well, the joke is pretty old now... because it is alphabetical.


Anonymous said...

Do what I do - use an RSS feed reader. That way you can see at a glance if the websites have been updated, and you don't need to actually visit them.

A-Man said...

Yeah, I've set up some RSS feeds at home on the Mac, but my laptop at work is a clunky old beast... I think RSS might cause it to smoke and explode.