Sunday, August 27, 2006

Me versus the universe

I've had a fun few months since my 29th birthday... mainly on crutches or hobbling (due to my damaged ankle ligaments).

Finally, as my ankle starts to allow me to walk without pain, I was scheduled to go in for sinus surgery this week (just to continue the trend of my body falling apart post 29th birthday). Of course, what happened instead? I got the flu/chest cold/sore throat. I had to postpone the surgery (the risk of complications, such as pneumonia, while under general anaethestic was too great) until October. And I spent another entire week at home.

Work must love me - by the end of October, I would have taken almost 6 weeks sick leave in 5 months. It bites though; everyone knows the best kind of sick leave are mental health days, when you aren't actually sick. Unfortunately, all my days have been legit.

Seriously, what else is next before the end of the year?


Anonymous said...

You're the one who titled your blog '27 problems'. I'd say you still have about 23 or 24 left to go!

A-Man said...

You make a valid point.
But I really hope I don't have 23 or 24 health-related problems still to come...