Sunday, August 06, 2006

Coincidence, or Something More Mysterious?

In earlier posts I have explained the origin of the ankle injury that I am (still) carrying.

(As an aside; the ankle is slowly healing, I'm walking in "normal" shoes now, no crutches or boot, but I have no strength or stability in the ankle yet, so I can't quite walk normally, and definitely can't run. Uneven surfaces, like bricks or cobblestones, and stairs are currently the bane of my existence).

However, I recently learnt that perhaps there is something more mysterious going on with me and my ankle. On the night I injured it, at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, I parked my car in a nearby car park. As I went to get a ticket, a kindly soul who was just leaving offered me his ticket. Bonus. The rest is history... I went inside, played my match of basketball and destroyed my ankle.

A week or so later, a friend of mine, playing basketball on the courts at MSAC injured his right ankle in a similar manner to me. I'd heard the story, but hadn't seen him until last Friday. We were comparing ankle-related war stories, when somehow, he managed to mention that he'd been given a free ticket for his car in the car park that night.

Huh? Excuse me??

That coincidence was just a little too freaky for me. Is this some sort of karmic revenge for using a ticket we didn't pay for? Is some mysterious cosmic entity striking us down? What is going on? Who is to blame for all the pain and anguish I have suffered through?

Universe... if you are listening, I want some answers!!
(I'd prefer blog comments over strange voices in my head and visions in dream, cheers).


Anonymous said...

No, no, the universe is just trying to tell you that exercise is bad, mmmkay?

A-Man said...

I like to believe that the universe is out to get me. But yes, deep down, I now realise exercise is bad.

I am now training hard to make the Olympic team in the lounge room biathlon of couch-sitting and tv watching.