Monday, July 31, 2006

Death By 5400 Seconds Of Sleeplessness

I don't like getting angry. I honestly find it a waste of time, doesn't necessarily resolve any problems, and just leaves me drained and annoyed. I think I am a patient person (I also think a judgment like this requires the input of others to verify though...). I like to believe that my patience and general ability to stay calm when getting frustrated is one of my more appealing qualities.

Not tonight though.

Due to the freakish incompetence, rudeness and general inability of some people to organise themselves into a vaguely cohesive office worker bee colony, I get to start my next three mornings at 7am.

Yeah, I know, so 7am isn't that early. But it is when I'm the one who has to set the room up, and deliver 2 hours of training while my brain attempts to find the clutch to shift gears to second.

I had 18 hours... almost 50% of my ENTIRE week last week scheduled to deliver this training. You should be able to cram learning almost anything into 18 hours, except when the attendees don't actually turn up. Now I get to screw up my workload for this week to deal with the problem.

So I'm pretty angry. Part of me hopes my patience completely wears out, and I turn green and Hulk out. Corporate destruction, Incredible H-style.

Probably good stress relief...

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