Saturday, July 08, 2006

Browser Wars

Well, well, well.

So I've taken the next step in figuring out this blogging thing.

Mozilla Firefox GOOD.

Safari BAD.

So I now know how to format text and add links. Hah. Finally. It wasn't because I was an idiot. It was because my web browser didn't let me.

1 comment:

A-Man said...


Don't get me wrong, I'm a recent internet visitor via my Mac at home, and I really enjoy Safari (especially over Windows at work), I think it is great.

My issue was with Blogger not liking Safari when it comes to composing and formatting posts... hence "Safari bad". (Of course I initially didn't realise my browser was the problem, I thought it was me).

I subsquently found an FAQ/help file on Blogger that explained that Safari users lacked certain composition features that other browser users had as standard. So I installed Firefox, and found a new world of font, font size, italics, bold etc. on my Blogger composition window... hence "Firefox good".