Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ho ho huh?

Anyone receive/give/hear about any worthy Kris Kringle presents this year?

We had a KK at work... I received two rubber stamps from ThinkGeek - "I haven't got time to read this CRAP" and "This is F**KING URGENT". Awesome.

There was an assortment of presents at our Christmas party... from the normal (cook book, mug and hot chocolate set) to the geeky (desk-based rocket launcher) to the humourous (megaphone for the woman with the hoarse voice) to the the extreme (an erotic inflatable love piggie).


'Door said...

I got some marmalade. What the?? I have never mentioned marmalade or such at school. I don't even eat marmalade.

A-Man said...


WTF indeed.

What sort of marmalade? Was it some sort of gourmet marmalade?

Who gives marmalade as a present? That's just saying to the world... "I give up. The best that my brain can come up with for a present is a breakfast spread".

'Door said...

It's from Western Australia. I reckon they just thrust their hand into the pantry and grabbed something that hadn't been opened.

Bonnie Conquest said...

Mmm marmalade... Yummm.