Monday, October 30, 2006

Back to the grindstone

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

My recovery time (read: couch time) from the surgery is at an end, and today was the first day back at work. It was a pretty slow, dull day, especially considering all the stresses and hectic workload prior to my surgery. I think it'll be like this until well into the New Year. Slow times ahead... I think I'll shift the brain down a gear or two. 9am - 5pm days for me!

One good thing about being back at work is that I am healthy enough again to start getting out and about. As much as tv, the interweb, and the Xbox kept me company, sometimes fresh air and people is the way to go. My extra time with the tv has given me a new injection of enthusiasm for food and cooking, mainly courtesy of 8 days worth of Ready Steady Cook episodes. I made a delicious spaghetti with chicken, wilted spinach and a creamy peppercorn sauce last night. And the good food shall continue... dinner this Friday at... a nice restaurant (sorry, still a secret - will be revealed soon), dinner in a fortnight at The Press Club.

I also discovered a bit of a greenthumb... I spent my afternoon yesterday carting potting mix, wandering through a nursery and re-potting palm trees. The balcony garden is looking like even more of a jungle, it's great.

In other news, my obsessive compulsive streak is becoming irritated by some of the colour/formatting/images on this blog template - will have to turn on the geek soon and see what changes I can perform. Of course, Murphy's Law dictates at least part of this blog will end up completely mangled/deleted/emailed to someone in Nigeria/translated into Spanish or just plain lost in the internet ether. Internether. My word for the day.

And in my random though for the day... in this world of media cross-promotion and seasonal fashions, how long will it be before Christmas and Christmas decorations bleed into the Spring Racing Carnival, leading to the roses at Flemington being replaced by mini Christmas trees and the latest in ladies' headwear being a red sock-like hat with a white pom-pom?


Manderlay said...

Hey, you're alive! Hooray!

IsNot is having a Cup Eve party - keep it in mind. I will be there watching the pantomime horse races.

Hehe, cooking and gardening - you're a total grandpa. That's OK, as I am a nana - I planted a fabulous herb garden a few weeks ago and it is flourishing! It will keep me in basil, coriander, three types of mint, thyme and oregano for the coming months. Fab.

A-Man said...

Our gardening has included an explosion of herbs too - basil, mint (regular and Vietnamese), coriander, lemongrass, dill, spring onions, chives, thyme, parsley (regular and flat leaf). There may be more, they seem to be breeding...

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese mint is my absolute favourite. I have a giant crop.

A-Man said...

I've never cooked with Vietnamese mint (yet), but it certainly smells great.