Sunday, September 10, 2006

Old school geek fun

I spent the afternoon today playing Halo 2 online on my Xbox 360. Reminded me of a time long ago, about 15 or 16 years ago to be exact. Different game(s), same partner in crime. Always entertaining.

We might have been beaten in the vast majority of our matches, and the annoying twits still talk smack online before, during and after every game, but slowly, ever so slowly, I'm starting to get the hang of proceedings. I'm actually starting to manage some reasonable scores - I think my hand-eye coordination is finally starting to...well... coordinate.

Now if I can manage to convince a few others to buy 360s and get online, I might be able to get some genuine friendly competition going. It'll be a riot. And it'll give me an excuse to get rid of the guy who keeps sending me dozens of game invites every day. Dude, seriously, you'll never read this, but ease up. Please.


Anonymous said...

Now to recapture other pastimes from the late 80s. Waterslides, tubs of green slime, and puzzles by Dr. Rubik.

A-Man said...

Late 80's? Our Amiga antics were early 90's.
Don't really remember what the hell I was doing in the late 80's. Walking around with a bad haircut and a maroon coloured school tracksuit I think.
Was it the late 80's when The Afternoon Show was on Channel 2? Voltron, Battle of the Planets, Ulysses...great cartoons.