Thursday, August 17, 2006

Weeknights are the new weekends

Seriously, after having two relaxed, enjoyable nights out so far this week, I officially declare weeknights to be better than weekends for going out. Why, you may ask?

Bars and restaurants are emptier. Food and drink is served more quickly; you might even manage table service at some bars. The queues at the cinema are shorter, or non-existent. There are fewer freaks on public transport. There is less smoke in the bars. It is easier to have a chat with friends. You don't have to push through drunk/obnoxious/posing/corporate idiots to find a seat/table/friends/toilets. The music is not turned up as loud. You don't feel lame if you don't stay out all night. People aren't dressing up in the latest bad 80's clothes/styles to try and impress other people dressed in worse 80's clothes/styles.

Of course, this might be influenced by the fact that (i) I have actually left the comfort of my couch/tv this week (Jam Factory/Chapel St on Monday, The Long Room on Wednesday) and thus actually been social on a weeknight, (ii) I might be getting old and slow and thus quiet weeknight activities are better for my constitution or (iii) I am growing intolerant of people and thus going out when there are fewer people around is good for the health and wellbeing of everyone involved.

Seriously, unless you are trying to pick up (which I'm not) or are going out for a dance (which I can't until my ankle heals fully), what is the appeal of overcrowded, noisy, smoky sardine tin-inspired venues full of twits?

Having said all that, I'll still be going out this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't help thinking that hip suburbanites should break out of the idea that drinking and dancing are the only things worth doing at night. The number of times I've fallen asleep from boredom in a cool, crowded nightclub...