Tuesday, July 25, 2006


On the off-chance that you are reading this, and don't know me, I think you should have realised by now, I'm a geek.

The odd "gamercard" thing on the right hand menu there is my Xbox Live gamercard... yes, I play Xbox, and yes, that is extraordinarily geeky. The gamercard basically lists my gamertag (name) and "achievements" score (kind of like how far I have played through in all my games). The gamercard tracks the games that I play, and updates any changes. I thought it was a pretty cool feature that I could link to it off this blog.

I like the intersection of assorted technologies (games console, computer, internet etc.) and communities (blogs, Xbox Live etc.), and the way these sorts of features are steadily being integrated together.

Expect to see more geek features and stories like this in the posts ahead...

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